
MX Linux provides a comprehensive array of resources, documentation and support options.

The MX User Manual covers all you need to know about installing MX.

The MX Videos page offers many topics, from installation to advanced use.
If considering Forum support, read the MX User Manual, search Forum posts and Wiki first, as you may find what you need there.

If you are still stuck, remember to use a Terminal, type inxi -F and press Enter (see the About page for an example). Copy the output to any Forum posts, to assist others in identifying your system configuration and possible issues.

Note steps you have tried already and be specific about any issues you might encounter. All forum users are community members, voluntarily assisting others.

Additional references:

MX/antiX Technical Documentation Wiki - []

Xfce  - "Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly."